"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

Thursday 2 May 2013

May... where'd you come from?

May?! I cannot believe my first year in a classroom is winding down already! Where did the time go? I have learned many things during this first year that I'll start sharing periodically when I think of them. A few from this week? April is a LONGGG month - plan for it. Our behaviour chart worked well for the first part of the year, midway we switched to http://teach.classdojo.com Class DoJo (the kids LOVE it), and recently to a Smiley Review. What else did I learn? Hairspray is a teachers best friend, also Coconut Oil and Tea-tree oil. 

These kids have tested me, taught me, and enlightened me. They exhausted me, physically, mentally and emotionally. But the biggest lesson this year? Education is COMPLETELY different from when we were kids (which wasn't too long ago), but one thing has stayed the same. The innocence of a child is a delicate thing, one that I am happy to enrich as long as possible. The smiles, the tears, the head lice, the ups, the downs, the flips and turns, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

My first year...and what a year it was. 8 weeks and 2 days to go... but who's counting? ;) 

Three of our 15 little fishies at the Carnival! Miss C got pulled in lots of different directions that day! 

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